
Why is India’s food system under severe stress?
Ashraf Engineer March 23, 2024 EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: India is doing terribly on nutrition, anaemia, child wasting
Ashraf Engineer December 25, 2021 Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I am Ashraf...
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Audio podcast: Tribals, the forgotten Indians
Ashraf Engineer October 13, 2021 No one thinks or writes about districts like Gadchiroli and...
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Audio podcast: Economist Jean Drèze decodes India’s hunger crisis
Ashraf Engineer April 7, 2020 India’s abysmal record on hunger has intensified after the COVID-19...
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Audio podcast: Battling hunger on our streets
Ashraf Engineer December 23, 2020 The sudden, poorly-managed lockdown earlier this year resulted in a...
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Pandemic an opportunity to correct India’s nutrition inequities
By Ashraf Engineer June 17, 2020 At a time when the COVID-19 lockdown has brought...
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