
‘Institutions have been weaponised to undermine people’s rights’
Ashraf Engineer February 28, 2024 India’s Constitution and Constitutional values are under attack and our...
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The walls are closing in on India’s democracy
Ashraf Engineer December 23, 2023 EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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How the ED became a political player
Ashraf Engineer July 8, 2023 EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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‘Authoritarians want to capture institutions because they don’t want any division of power’
Ashraf Engineer March 29, 2023 Among the various worries about, and threats to, Indian democracy...
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The weaponisation of central agencies
Ashraf Engineer March 11, 2023 EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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‘Tharoor is not elitist, has middle-class background; he’s not in the race to lose’
Ashraf Engineer October 10, 2022 Shashi Tharoor’s campaign to be Congress president has earned him...
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Audio podcast: Time to throw out the sedition law
Ashraf Engineer March 6, 2021 Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I am Ashraf...
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