
‘Great opportunity for urban startups to partner with rural micro-entrepreneurs’
Ashraf Engineer April 24, 2024 Micro-entrepreneurship can be one of the solutions to poverty and...
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Is it time for a universal basic income?
Ashraf Engineer June 24, 2023 EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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‘Migrant sugarcane workers’ kids miss school 6 months a year, are often exploited by labour contractors’
Ashraf Engineer February 22, 2023 Santosh Ram’s short film, ‘Prashna’, is a poignant, emotional piece...
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Audio podcast: ‘Financial literacy can be a life-changer for the less privileged’
 Ashraf Engineer June 1, 2022 It is estimated that only 27% of Indians are...
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Audio podcast: ‘Lockdown led to a sharp rise in underage marriages’
Ashraf Engineer December 8, 2021 The lockdown imposed forced many families into debt and poverty....
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Audio podcast: Battling hunger on our streets
Ashraf Engineer December 23, 2020 The sudden, poorly-managed lockdown earlier this year resulted in a...
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2020: Year of the exodus
By Tushar Gandhi June 1, 2020 Humanity will remember 2020 as the year of the...
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