
Audio podcast: Why the NRC is a threat to the idea of India
Ashraf Engineer March 24, 2021 The National Register of Citizens, or NRC, makes it extremely...
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Audio podcast: India is experiencing labour pains
Ashraf Engineer March 20, 2021 Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I am Ashraf...
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A selective commemoration of Chauri Chaura: The rewriting of the Freedom Movement by the Sangh
Tushar Gandhi March 19, 2021 Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the centenary commemoration of...
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Audio podcast: Slums, the forgotten battlegrounds of COVID-19
Ashraf Engineer March 17, 2021 How COVID-19 affected slum-dwellers didn’t receive the attention it deserved....
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Audio podcast: What the telecom spectrum auction means for you
Ashraf Engineer March 13, 2021 Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I am Ashraf...
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Audio podcast: Why you should care about the new digital rules
Ashraf Engineer March 10, 2021 The new rules governing digital content, news platforms and social...
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Audio podcast: Time to throw out the sedition law
Ashraf Engineer March 6, 2021 Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I am Ashraf...
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Audio podcast: Why are internet shutdowns so common in India?
Ashraf Engineer March 3, 2021 We’re barely into 2021 but already there have been at...
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Audio podcast: Disha Ravi shows us what courage is
Ashraf Engineer February 27, 2021 Podcast transcript Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Hate and violence in India, Part 3: Cauldron of communal violence bubbling over (audio podcast)
This concludes the three-part series on communal strife in India over the decades. Ashraf Engineer...
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Hate and violence in India, Part 2: Displaced by riots
This is the second part of a three-part series on communal strife and hate crimes...
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Hate and violence in India, Part 1: A ‘He, Ram’ list
This is the first of a three-part series on communal strife and hate crimes in...
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Audio podcast: India takes the plunge with the Deep Ocean Mission
Ashraf Engineer February 20, 2021 PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: Can technology change how India votes?
  Ashraf Engineer February 17, 2021 When it comes to elections, the casting of the...
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Audio podcast: Free Nodeep Kaur
Ashraf Engineer February 13, 2021 PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: How private is your data?
Ashraf Engineer February 10, 2021 The latest update to Whatsapp’s privacy policy has been controversial,...
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Audio podcast: 7 things the finance minister didn’t tell you about Budget 2021
Ashraf Engineer February 5, 2021 PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: Have things changed for the LGBT community?
Ashraf Engineer February 3, 2020 On September 6, 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that consensual...
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All Indians Matter In-Depth podcast series: Murder of the Mahatma – all that you didn’t know
Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ashraf Engineer January...
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Audio podcast: Why urban transformation is important
Ashraf Engineer January 27, 2021 India’s urban population is increasing exponentially, with more than 33%...
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Audio podcast: Can Tesla energise India’s EV market?
Ashraf Engineer January 23, 2021 PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: How to improve learning outcomes
Ashraf Engineer January 20, 2021 India’s demographic dividend can propel it to dizzying heights, but...
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Audio podcast: What the return of bird flu means
Ashraf Engineer January 16, 2021 PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: The unending trauma of an acid attack
  Ashraf Engineer January 13, 2021 India has the dubious distinction of recording the most...
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