
Audio podcast: Why urban transformation is important
Ashraf Engineer January 27, 2021 India’s urban population is increasing exponentially, with more than 33%...
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Audio podcast: Can Tesla energise India’s EV market?
Ashraf Engineer January 23, 2021 PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: What the return of bird flu means
Ashraf Engineer January 16, 2021 PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: What to expect from Budget 2021
  Ashraf Engineer January 9, 2021 EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter....
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Audio podcast: Man-environment conflict in India on the rise
Ashraf Engineer January 6, 2021 As human populations expand, there is pressure on natural habitats....
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Audio podcast: CSR in India – today and the future
Ashraf Engineer December 30, 2020 CSR spending by corporate India is rising significantly. In 2018,...
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Audio podcast: Your take-home salary is about to shrink
Ashraf Engineer December 28, 2020 PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: India’s first ever ‘technical recession’
Ashraf Engineer November 30, 2020 PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. I...
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Audio podcast: Why Goa is up in arms against coal
  Ashraf Engineer November 11, 2020 The government has initiated a series of infrastructure projects...
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Audio podcast: Why India’s agriculture sector is in perpetual crisis
Ashraf Engineer October 28, 2020 “Until the problems of rural India are resolved, the aspirations...
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Audio podcast: We need new economic, political thinking
Ashraf Engineer October 15, 2020 If ever there was a time for bold, break-out economic...
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Audio podcast: How three new farm laws impact you
Ashraf Engineer September 23, 2020  Podcast transcript Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. Farmers...
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What we destroy in the name of development
Tushar Gandhi September 15, 2020 The hymn Take thou a lesson from the trees is...
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Audio podcast: Unemployment pandemic could be worse than COVID-19
Podcast transcript Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. As the economy contracts, India’s job...
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Modi’s ineptness has left the economy in tatters
Ashraf Engineer September 3, 2020 Narendra Modi rode to power in 2014 claiming he would...
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Audio podcast: How soaring government debt, inflation, fuel prices affect you
Podcast transcript Hello and welcome to All Indians Matter. Here’s what a badly planned lockdown...
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Audio podcast: For ‘aatmanirbharta’, a forest under siege
Podcast transcript Hello and welcome. What lies above the ground in a forest are trees,...
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Audio podcast: Is India’s economic recovery really on track?
  Podcast transcript Hello and welcome. I am Ashraf Engineer, a communication consultant, but I...
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The pandemic is an opportunity to remake Mumbai
Sujata Anandan May 25, 2020 As the number of deaths due to coronavirus in Maharashtra...
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Video podcast: Put money in people’s pockets to cushion COVID-19 impact
|| This is my first ever video podcast. The text of it is below. Ashraf...
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We can’t have an Atmanirbhar Rashtra without self-reliant villages
This concludes the three-part series on the country Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of Tushar Gandhi May...
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Double whammy for India: coronavirus and the slowdown
Ashraf Engineer March 19, 2020 Slowing growth, diminished cash flows, a seemingly unending banking crisis,...
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